Sparkle  5-26-2009


Kelly 先寫在筆記本上,再自己打字,共一千六百多字,還沒寫完呢!這只是她的小小說的開場白而已,這只是開場白十三頁的其中五頁而已,她還在繼續寫下去。






他的興奮急轉直下,說:「Kiana 寫了六頁。」Kiana 和他幼稚園三年同學,小學一年級又同班,這小女生又聰明又漂亮又會說話,簡直是天使。







Julie felt butterflies in her stomach. First, she went to the carnival. Now she was going to get a dog! It was perfect. Nothing was going to stop her.

 She went to the dog shop and looked inside the boxes. Each box held a stray dog that didn’t have an owner. Julie looked in the  first box. A white poodle head stuck out. It was a little too big. Then, as Julie started to go to the next box, her mom approached. “It’s a good day huh Julie?” she said.” Yeah, mom. I’m finally going to get my own dog!” said Julie.” But remember it takes a lot of responsibility.” Her mom warned. And a lot of money Julie thought. Then, her mom walked to the dog supplies to look. Julie continued to look at the next box. It held a sleeping bulldog. Julie hated the dog so she moved on. A crazy Chihuahua barked at her. It looked as if it had eaten a lot. Julie wondered how much food to feed him. The next box was a cute little Papillion who was dancing around. She looked as if she never knew she was in a dog pound. It’s her Julie thought. But she hadn’t looked at all the boxes yet. “ Are you done Julie?” said her mom. “Almost!” Julie yelled. Then she moved on to the next box. It was the last box. It seemed like it was sleeping. It was a Shepard. A German Shepard.” OK,I want the Papillion,” Julie mumbled. When she told her mom she wanted the Papillion she nodded. Then she told the store keeper.” He said he’ll bring it in two hours.” She said.” TWO HOURS?!” Julie replied.” That long? Why?” “Remember be patient!” her mother scolded her. “All right.” Julie mumbled. Her excitement flushed away.

After two hours the doorbell rang. Julie jumped with excitement “It’s here!” she yelled. Her mother warned her again. “Did dad come home yet?” Julie asked. Her mom opened the door. “Yes?” she asked.” OK. Yes we will. Yeah. Thanks!” She opened the latchet. Out came a beautiful Papillion head held high. “She’s beautiful.” Julie whispered. “She sure is.” Her mother said. “I hope dad comes homJulie e soon.” said loudly. “This dog is hungry!” The dog’s belly rumbled loud enough to start an earthquake. I’m glad I didn’t buy the Chihuahua Julie thought. The dog yipped as if she understood. “I think the dog is going to like this place.” Julie said. Just then the garage door opened. “He’s home!” Julie said. “We can buy dog food now!” “Do you think we should buy Kibbles Delight?” Julie asked when they reached the nearest Costco. “That’s a good suggestion, sweetie.” Her dad replied. I can’t believe it’s happening Julie thought. The dog barked very silently. “You know what I mean right, girl?” Julie said. The dog yipped happily. “I’m going to name you.” The dog barked. “Hmmmm, Sparkle, Princess, Sweetie, Rainbow, or Moonbeam. I’m going to let her decide. She liked Sparkle the most. Julie put on Sparkle's leash. They walked to the dog food stand. Julie let Sparkle sample all of them. “We’re going to buy Kibbles Delight K-9.” All of them agreed. Then they put it in the grocery cart. Sparkle nudged Julie. “Do you want a drink?” She asked. She filled a saucer she brought from home with water. Then Sparkle licked at it slowly. She was careful not to splash it. “She’s very polite!” Julie’s mother exclaimed. “Yes, she must’ve been trained well.” Julie’s dad said. “I like her!” Julie said louder than ever. It startled the little dog. “Sorry girl.” Julie said. Sparkle relaxed more. It was much louder to her. Then, she relaxed full time when Julie picked her up. Again she started to panic. She needed to go poo. “Uggg!” Julie screamed. They bring her to the dog’s own bathroom. Then they put her on the potty. Julie grabbed a bag and cleaned the poo. This is what my mom meant Julie thought again. She dumped the poo into the toilet. Then she told her family. Sparkle barked sadly. “It’s okay.” Julie said, “You didn’t mean to.” Sparkle’s eyes sparkled a little. “Oh, she’s so cute.”  The people said as they passed the Papillion. Sparkle held her head very high. Other dogs thought she was showing off. They didn’t like her very much. But then people started to ohhhhh and ahhhhh at them. So they didn’t care. “Sparkle come in the car.” Julie urged. Sparkle leaped inside of the car. “Good dog.” Julie praised the dog, Sparkle.  “I bet Sparkle is the best dog in the world!” Julie said loudly. She was careful not to startle Sparkle. “Hey are we home yet?” Julie asked. “Almost.” Her dad said. “Sparkle’s hungry again.” Julie said. “I think she likes Kibbles Delight K-9. It’s very helpful and tasteful to dogs.” “I know Julie.” Said dad. After a while they came home. “Let’s give her a saucer of Kibbles Delight K-9” Julie suggested Julie. Sparkle barked then yipped. Her appetite isn’t so big at least Julie thought for a moment. The Chihuahua’s  much worse Julie thought again. She turned to Sparkle. “Mom can we give Sparkle toys?” Julie asked. “Okay Julie. If you want to. But on Saturday we need to go to the vet.” Julie’s mom said. It’s Wednesday Julie thought. I hope it doesn’t pass too fast Julie thought. Sparkle’s bark woke Julie from her thoughts. “Hey girl. Are you full?” Sparkle nodded her head as if to say “Yes.” “You’re such a good girl.” Julie said very proudly. “I’m glad I got you.” Julie said. Then her mom signaled dinner. “Today’s dinner is noodles with soy sauce and meat.” Said Julie’s mom. “You’re nice, honey.” Said Julie’s starved dad. “It’s a special dish to celebrate.” She winked at Julie. Julie grinned. After dinner she went to look at Sparkle’s share of her bed. She slept on the bed, too but also Sparkle. Then she called “Sparkle!”. The dog ran upstairs. “Sorry to startle you girl.” Julie said gently. Then Sparkle panicked. She went to her own bathroom. She put herself on the dog potty. She took another bag and she cleaned the poo. “This is kind of fun. But disgusting.” Said Julie. I wonder if my friends have a dog.” wondered Julie. I wish that I knew thought Julie as she carried Sparkle downstairs. Then Julie’s mom asked if she’d done her homework. Julie was an excellent student. She loved to listen to music and play. Everybody liked Julie in her class. Her teacher Ms. Morgan Sweet, was what people describe.  “Very sweet.” People said. Life had been very boring before Sparkle came. Julie’s mom finally said to go to bed. Then Sparkle yawned. “It’s been a big day.” Julie said joyously. Sparkle yipped in reply. The next day was passing by slowly. “Time to go to class!” her mother said loudly. Julie gathered her books and put them in her backpack. She walked past the whispering trees. It was a beautiful morning. The birds were chirping as if to sing a melody. Everything is perfect  Julie thought. I wonder what Sparkles doing suddenly Julie’s friend Ruby jumped in front of her. “Boo!” Ruby said. “Hi Ruby.” Julie said heavily. “Hey Jill.” People sometimes called Julie Jill but she didn’t care. “What’re you doing?” asked Ruby. “Thinking about my dog.” Julie answered. “You have a dog too?” Ruby asked curiously. “Hey I got it on Wednesday.” said the Julie. “Well I have a golden retriever.” Said Ruby. “I named it Fluffy.” “I have a Papillion named Sparkle.” Said Julie. Then they reached Crawford Elementary school a little later. They were talking about their dogs and play dates. “Let’s go to class!” they agreed. When they reached Mrs. Sweet’s class, they dropped their backpacks and raced to the field. “This is a great day!” yelled Julie as they ran. “It sure is!” Ruby yelled back. After they had played for awhile the bell rang. Then they raced back to Ms. Sweet’s class. They saw their friend Brianna. “Hey gals.” Brianna sang. “Isn’t it a good day?” “Yes.” Said Julie. “Do you have a dog?” Brianna asked. “Yes.” Ruby said proudly. “So does Julie.” “Really?” said the confused Brianna.  "Yes!” Julie yelled. Then Ms. Sweet said to sit down. It was time for class. In their class they could pick where they sat. They sat in the middle place. It had three seats. “Can anyone tell me what congruent means?” Ms. Sweet said. Brianna shot her hand up in the air. “Brianna.” Ms. Sweet said. “It means same size and shape. It doesn’t matter the position.” Brianna said bravely. “Correct!” Ms. Sweet said very loud. “Yes!” said Brianna. “Good job!” Julie said. “Thanks.” Said Brianna. “Good. Today we’re going to study about that.” Ms. Sweet said. The afternoon came by. “Remember, there is no school until Monday next week.” Ms. Sweet said a little sad. “Yeah!” the class cheered. When everyone rushed out the door, Julie called Ruby over to her house. “Thanks for inviting me, Julie.” Ruby said nicely. “Hey, but first we could bring your dog.” Julie said. “Good idea!” Ruby said loudly. She ran to her house and said, “Hey, can’t you wait for me?!” Ruby yelled. “Sure!” Julie yelled back. Ruby came out a little later. “Here’s my dog!” Ruby said heavily. She was leading a proud golden retriever. “He looks handsome!” Julie said. “It’s a girl.” Ruby said.  “Sorry.” Julie said. “It’s O.K.” Ruby said. Fluffy barked. “Is it O.K. for Fluffy to pee or poo in your dog potty?” said Ruby. “Yes it is.” said the nice Julie. They reached  Julie’s house five minutes later. “Mom, Ruby is here!” Julie said. “Is that O.K.?” “Yes honey.” said Julie’s mom. Sparkle ran to Julie and barked. “Hey Sparkle girl.”



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